How to disable already existing events in a model?

I am trying to run a Single Particle Model (SPM) simulation and want to allow the cell voltage to go beyond the usual operating limits (i.e., I do not want the simulation to stop once the voltage crosses the typical lower or upper cut-off). My goal is to keep the simulation running regardless of how high or low the voltage might get. Using the fast mode of the CasadiSolver as suggested in Tutorial 8 did not have the desired effect of disabling events.

I have also tried to:

  • Adjust the default lower/upper voltage cut-offs in the parameter set.
  • Increase maximum concentration parameters in both electrodes.

None of these approaches have prevented the solver from terminating when the cell voltage goes outside the normal operating range.

Code looks something like this:

spm = pybamm.lithium_ion.SPM()
fast_solver = pybamm.CasadiSolver(atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3, mode="fast")
params_bat = pybamm.ParameterValues("Chen2020")
params_bat["Current function [A]"] = pybamm.Interpolant(t, I_func, pybamm.t)
params_bat["Lower voltage cut-off [V]"] = -100.0
params_bat["Upper voltage cut-off [V]"] = 100.0
params_bat["Maximum concentration in negative electrode [mol.m-3]"] = 100e6
params_bat["Maximum concentration in positive electrode [mol.m-3]"] = 100e6

sim = pybamm.Simulation(spm, parameter_values=params_bat, solver=fast_solver)
sol = sim.solve(initial_soc=soc, t_eval=t)

Any ideas? Maybe I just don’t call something in the correct order.
Thank you!