Using the Idaklu Solver causing a memory leak

I am running the following code in order to see how the degradation of the cell is effected by different drive cycles. My drive cycle has spiky currents and I have found that using the Casadi Solver fails unless I use a small timestep which is unreasonable for the other steps. I have tried the IDAKLU solver and this solved that issue but seemed to cause another on.

import pybamm
import numpy as np
import time

ExperimentFolder = f"D:/Stack Exchange"

model = pybamm.lithium_ion.DFN()

### This is a Sinusoidal Discharge Current using the below values
DCOffset = 5
ACAmplitude = 5
ACFrequency = 0.01
NumberOfCycles = 10000
Resolution = 100 # This is the number of points per cycle

timeseries = np.linspace(0, 1 / ACFrequency * NumberOfCycles, NumberOfCycles * Resolution)
current = DCOffset + ACAmplitude * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * timeseries * ACFrequency))
Discharge_Cycle = np.column_stack([timeseries, current])

Steps = [
    pybamm.step.current(Discharge_Cycle, termination="2.5 V"),
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes",
    "Charge at 10 A until 4.2 V",
    "Hold at 4.2 V until 50 mA",
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes"

experiment = pybamm.Experiment(Steps)
Number_Of_Cycles = 500

for i in range(Number_Of_Cycles):
    Start_Time = time.time()
    # sim = pybamm.Simulation(model, experiment=experiment, solver=pybamm.IDAKLUSolver())
    sim = pybamm.Simulation(model, experiment=experiment, solver=pybamm.CasadiSolver(mode="safe", extra_options_setup={"max_step_size": 1 / (ACFrequency * Resolution)}))
    solution = sim.solve()
    model = model.set_initial_conditions_from(solution.last_state, inplace=False)"{ExperimentFolder}/Cycle_{i}.pkl")
    Stop_Time = time.time()
    print(f"Performed Cycle {i} out of {Number_Of_Cycles}, taking {Stop_Time - Start_Time}s to solve the last ### Cycle")

Here you can see the Casadi solver:

however when using the IDAKLU solver there seems to be a memory leak, however the simulation runs a lot more smoothly:

Any help as to what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated (or other ways of accomplishing what I am trying to do).

Hi @Nicholas_Budenberg. I would try solving the experiment all in one go like so:

import pybamm
import numpy as np
import time

model = pybamm.lithium_ion.DFN()

### This is a Sinusoidal Discharge Current using the below values
DCOffset = 5
ACAmplitude = 5
ACFrequency = 0.01
NumberOfCycles = 10000
Resolution = 100 # This is the number of points per cycle

timeseries = np.linspace(0, 1 / ACFrequency * NumberOfCycles, NumberOfCycles * Resolution)
current = DCOffset + ACAmplitude * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * timeseries * ACFrequency))
Discharge_Cycle = np.column_stack([timeseries, current])

Number_Of_Cycles = 500
Steps = [
    pybamm.step.current(Discharge_Cycle, termination="2.5 V"),
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes",
    "Charge at 10 A until 4.2 V",
    "Hold at 4.2 V until 50 mA",
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes"
] * Number_Of_Cycles

experiment = pybamm.Experiment(Steps)

Start_Time = time.time()
sim = pybamm.Simulation(model, experiment=experiment, solver=pybamm.IDAKLUSolver())
# sim = pybamm.Simulation(model, experiment=experiment, solver=pybamm.CasadiSolver(mode="safe", extra_options_setup={"max_step_size": 1 / (ACFrequency * Resolution)}))
solution = sim.solve()

This uses a lot less memory for me (16 GB and I’m currently up to cycle 310 / 2500).


@Nicholas_Budenberg representing the sinusoidal step as a symbolic pybamm expression using the symbolic time pybamm.t can be more efficient. Building on @martinjrobins’ suggestion:

tf = 1 / ACFrequency * NumberOfCycles
current = DCOffset + ACAmplitude * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * pybamm.t * ACFrequency))

Number_Of_Cycles = 500
Steps = [
    pybamm.step.current(current, termination="2.5 V", duration=tf),
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes",
    "Charge at 10 A until 4.2 V",
    "Hold at 4.2 V until 50 mA",
    "Charge at 0 A for 5 minutes"
] * Number_Of_Cycles

experiment = pybamm.Experiment(Steps)

This runs about 10x faster than the previous version on my machine (tested for 10 cycles).

As a side note, you can see the simulation progress with

solution = sim.solve(showprogress=True)
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Hello @Marc,

Thank you very much for your timely reply, I have run the code with your speed-up, and can certainly notice it, however I am running into another error:

Looking at the currents, it looks as though the time is referenced to the start of the experiment, is it possible to reference it to the start of the step? I am trying to understand this example:
however I am very new to this and so it is not coming easily at the moment.

Where might I be able to understand more efficiency techniques like this one?

Also one of the reasons that I was running the long experiments like this broken up into cycles was so that I was able to “look into” the experiment as it was running (Before I was letting it run for a few days as the duty-cycle had frequencies around 100Hz). Can you think of any way I might be able to do this using this method?

Thank you very much @martinjrobins,

I have tried this and it indeed doesn’t use up as much RAM, however when performing experiments like this I am unable to “look into” how the simulation is progressing by loading one of the already completed files, is there a way to do this using this method?

The key thing is to move the creation of the pybamm.Simulation object outside the loop. You can then do something similar to what you originally had, saving the solution incrementally. See this example on resuming a simulation solve Simulating long experiments — PyBaMM v25.1.1 Manual

ie. use sim.solve(starting_solution=sol) rather than what you had originally, as the model used by the simulation will not be model anymore but rather an internal built model

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@martinjrobins Thank you very much!
This has solved the issue perfectly.

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@Nicholas_Budenberg my mistake – I forgot the initial step offset. The two solutions are identical if you do

t = pybamm.t - pybamm.InputParameter("start time")
current = DCOffset + ACAmplitude * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * ACFrequency))

I tightened the solver tolerances and it simulates all steps:

pybamm.IDAKLUSolver(rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10)
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Hello @Marc
Both of your solutions have worked perfectly, thank you very much!