I am trying to implement the case in the figure, but I am unable to do so. Is it a problem with my variable selection or something else? Could you please help me answer this? Thank you
Not sure I understand your issue, can you elaborate?
OK, so when I did the 2 + 1 d simulation, I wanted to see the example where the temperature and the current and the electric potential around the pole ear were different from the rest of the space, but I couldn’t get a similar effect on my own, i do not know how to deal with, you dream to help me answer it, thank you very much!
If I do understand correctly you want to reproduce the results in the screenshot at the top (which I believe is from PyBaMM website/slides) using the code at the bottom, right? I believe the reason you see a much coarser mesh is because you are using DFN, and the number of mesh points are reduced. Can you try switching to SPM and see if it changes?
yeah, you are right! I will try to your guidance. Thank you.